Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Game of the Week:Desert View @ Rincon



AzCap said...

On Sept.10th,I went to The Desert View @ Rincon football game.First of all,the view of the mighty Catalinas,just after sunset,from the home stands was glorious,
The stands were pretty full,and there was really a wonderful,non-threatening,family atmosphere.This kind of event can give you faith in the youth of America.Between the teams,bands and cheerleaders there really are a lot of deadicated kids on display.
Due to my own poor planning I only saw the last half of The Desert View Marching Band`s pregame show.They had a respectable presentation for their size,especially at an away game and this early in the season.
The Rincon\University Marching Band played The National Anthem,from the track after watching The pregame show at attention.I really appreciated The Anthem,because I have always felt that it is an important song for every band to play proudly.It baffles me that The Pride of Arizona,The Arizona Marching Band never plays The Star Spangled Banner.So kudos to the band director for not following in their footsteps.I also thought it was very respectful the way they watched The Desert View Marching Band Show.
In general,I really liked the song selection.I remember seeing The Rincon\University`s, Band Day show,a few years ago,when they did a Beatle`s show,and thinking that this band director "gets it." But in the stands,I really enjoyed,Back In Black,Magic Carpet Ride and Walk This Way.
The halftime show was good,I am assuming that we only got the first part,and the rest will be unveiled in future weeks,and you can not go wrong with Gershwin.
I thought it was very cool that The Desert View Band took over The Rincon Band`s area in the stands to watch their halftime show.I guess I will find out in future weeks if all the bands do that.
So all in all,kudos to both bands and their director`s!But I do have one criticism.One major job of the marching band is to support the football team.So the band should be paying attention to the game to best serve the team.This means number 1:do not play when your team has the ball,and the drummers should really work with the cheerleaders,especially on things like a "DEE-FENSE" chant.
In keeping with the support theme,I think the band does not need to leave the stands so early for halftime.Also,the beginning of the 3rd quarter is one of the crucial parts of the game,and I feel that the band should play the fight song when the team comes out for the 2nd half and be in the stands to support the team during the all critical 3rd period,rather than socializing with the other band,as if their job is done.
Once again,The Pride of Arizona is not a good example of a band that feels it is their duty to support the team.In the past,when I have attended Arizona Football Games,the band goes to the concession stand in the 3rd quarter.So I understand that it is not in the culture here for the marching band to link their success with their teams,but an important function of the marching band and cheerleaders is to be the best fans possible!

AzCap said...

Oh yeah,one really cool thing I forgot to tell you about.After the game,The Rincon Team came over in front of the band and sang the fight song!!!