Let me start by saying that two of my favorite things in the world are marching band and drum corps.These two activities epitomize what can be accomplished by a group,when they focus on common goals.The final product can be truly profound.These are two of the most worthwhile activities any young person may participate in,and I applaud everyone that does.
The origin of marching music is military in nature.That means power and the impression of invincibility,are at the foundation.Whether it is the trumpets at Jericho,the drum cadence driving soldier`s feet in unison,bagpipes scaring the enemy,or tribal drums inciting the natives,marching music is meant to be powerful.
Modern marching band`s largest stage is college football.Anyone who says that it is just a game,has never experienced big time college football.When two large institutions of higher learning clash on the gridiron,complete with two large marching bands and throngs of supporters clad in the appropriate colors,there is a clash of cultures on the level of a war between Greek City States.When The Michigan State Spartan Marching Band entered The University of Michigan Stadium last Saturday,to face over 100,000 maize and blue spectators,it had to feel like The Spartans of old, facing Xerxes at Thermopylae!But when MSU went to U of M outnumbered more than ten to one,you can bet they were going to lead with the power of their 300+ member marching band!
Pound for pound,no group of equal number,should be as powerful as the marching band,even when it comes to yelling.The band should use its precision and air support to be the loudest yells in the stadium.The band needs to do everything within the rules to give their team an edge.This means knowing when and when not to play and rallying the fans at the appropriate time.Sometimes it is as simple as the drummers playing the accents to a defense chant,or not playing when their team has the ball and is trying to call signals.
There were two or three moments during The Oregon State at Arizona Game last Saturday,where the band and crowd failed to disrupt The OSU Offense.With OSU backed up into the closed end of the stadium,the band did not play and the fans were not able to force OSU into any false starts,that could have changed the outcome.It is at these times that the band and fans are elevated from spectators to participants.That moment,the band becomes a conduit that creates a universal bonding experience for the entire community!That is when you have a great marching band!
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