Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bring back the marching bands!!!

       The college football experience in this country is one of the best sources of entertainment available.Some forms of entertainment are way too big to be captured by a small box in your living room.The energy and excitement generated at a typical college stadium is really fun.
       Fun.That is really what it is all about.College football is a participation sport.When the fans see their impact on the field,they get lifted from being a spectator and transformed into a participant.Anyone who has ever performed on stage knows that it is more fun than being in the audience of a great show.So when the gulf between spectator and performer can be bridged, that`s when fun is being maximized.
        We live in a society greatly influenced by television,yet we know that the best forms of entertainment are rarely provided by television.No matter how much you watch The Food Network,it will never be as good as actually tasting a Bobby Flay meal.So, television executives need to start showing the marching bands at halftime!Nothing epitomizes the greatness of college football more than the marching bands.There is no other medium where so many man hours are put in without  monetary reward,to simply entertain us.
          Television,like our society, is ruled by the almighty dollar.Television executives try their best to keep us watching to see the next advertisement.They are missing the boat, when they fail to utilize the thousands of man hours that the bands put in,to keep us watching.There are a huge amount of consumers watching college football, who would be more likely to keep watching, if the bands were on at halftime rather than highly paid talking heads!
           Imagine the advertising impact if a company provided the marching bands commercial free!
"Ladies and gentlemen,The Ford Motor Company takes great pride in presenting,The University of Wisconsin Badger Marching Band,uninterrupted for your enjoyment,remember,Ford builds the cars you drive!"
          Consumers ultimately should be deciding what`s on television and how it is presented.Let it be known that we would prefer to watch the bands at halftime, rather than an analyst explaining to us what we just watched in the first half. All of those kids who march have family and friends.If I got to see a nephew or friend on TV,because of Geico Insurance,that would definitely stick in my mind,the next time I`m considering car insurance!
           It is dangerous now that ESPN has so much power over college football.We need to tell them to bring back the marching bands at halftime!

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