Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Picking A College

If you are a high school Junior or Senior and are planning to go to college,and are not going to major in music,the marching band maybe the second most important reason for choosing a particular school.The field of study,that you choose to pursue is obviously the most important factor.But the undergraduate experience can be a real blast if you choose a marching band that kicks butt! These are lucky times,because you have things like YouTube available to really research your choices.I whole heartedly recommend utilizing this resource to thoroughly investigate the marching bands.Check out the marching style,the crowd response and the type of music.Keep in mind that to a certain extent,the band can only go as far as the football team will go.For instance,if you want to perform at a major bowl game you should consider whether that school`s football team has a likelihood of going. College marching band can be an extremely exciting experience that you can cherish the rest of your life.The exhiliration of performing in front of one hundred thousand people is impossible to describe!

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